Modern Family Season 2 Complete Pack __HOT__
The second season also received criticism for a "drop in quality". New York writer Rachel Muddux while reviewing "Chirp" wrote that "Modern Family feels like it's still struggling a little to live up to the Emmy-winning highs of its first, negotiating the boundaries of its family-sitcom roots and attempting to transcend cheap laughs."[70] She later went on to say in a later review that "after three spot-on episodes in a row and nearly a month of reruns, the show kicked off its second season's second half in such fine form that we're hoping next week we won't feel at all compelled to mention how iffy things were looking there for a while.".[71] Emily VanDerWerff of The A.V. Club while reviewing "Two Monkeys and a Panda", criticized the second season, saying that it has possibly tarnished the show's legacy as a "classic".[67] HitFix reviewer Alan Sepinwall, who was very critical over the quality drop of the second season, received harsh comments from readers whenever he criticized an episode leading to him reviewing the series less frequently.[72]
Modern Family Season 2 Complete Pack
Modern Family is an American family sitcom television series created by Christopher Lloyd and Steven Levitan for the American Broadcasting Company (ABC). It ran for 11 seasons, from September 23, 2009, to April 8, 2020. It follows the lives of three diverse family set-ups in suburban Los Angeles, linked by patriarch Jay Pritchett.
The first season was met with critical acclaim. It scored 100%, based on 28 reviews, on review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, with an average rating of 8.55/10 and the critical consensus: "Thanks to sharp writing and an eccentric but exceedingly likeable cast of characters, Modern Family signals the triumphant return of the family comedy."[111] The first season also scored 86/100, based on 27 reviews, on review aggregator website Metacritic, indicating "universal acclaim".[112]
According to a CNET staffer commenting on a first-season episode: "The wife and daughter are unable to learn how to use the remote and must be taught by the father, while the son is 'good with electronics,' even though he is thought of as the stupidest member of the family."[174] Arianna Reiche from Gawker commented on the episode "Game Changer" in which Gloria hides her skill at chess so her husband will not be upset at losing: "This moment is at best a sappy quip about compromise in an often heavy-handed series, and at worst, it's a moment in a show with 9.3 million viewers, on a network owned by Disney, which explicitly validates girls and women subduing their intellect."[175]
Season 5Haley is back living with her parents and attending community college. In "Three Dinners" she is pressured by her parents who do not believe she has any future plans or aspirations, but she proves them wrong by revealing her interest in fashion photography, and the blog she is keeping to earn extra money. In "ISpy", her work is featured in a photography exhibition (one of only five in her class chosen) and one of her photographs is sold. In "A Fair to Remember", Haley encounters Andy for the first time. Although, initially, they don't completely hit it off; as the day continues, they seem to have developed a mutual liking for one another as evidenced by their playful banter and friendly teasing. As the season progresses, so too does Haley's feelings for Andy. In "Other People's Children," Haley steps in as a stand-in for Andy's girlfriend Beth for the video love letter he's making for her with Phil's help. Andy lifts Haley up and holds her in his arms and looks deep into her eyes as he recites how much he loves his girlfriend. The look on Haley's face confirms she is beginning to fall for the nice guy.
In "Basketball", Haley and Mitch go out for tea and Haley attempts to inform her uncle of something Rainer asked her to do in the bedroom that she wasn't completely comfortable with, however, Rainer arrives and she manages to only get out one syllable. Cameron arrives and they try to figure out what she was going to say, Rainer finally leaves and Haley says that Rainer asks her to candle him. Cameron googles it and informs Mitch. Rainer comes back and sees the google search on Cam's phone, this prompts Haley and Rainer to talk about what they're comfortable with. They confide secrets and strengthen their relationship. In "Pig Moon Rising", Haley gets The Barnacle stuck on her car due to unpaid parking tickets, Mitch helps her move her car down the street so her parents don't see, he agrees, if she asks Cam to use his connections to get tickets to a concert but secretly give them to him. She agrees, but he dangerously discovers that Haley really shouldn't have her license. Haley asks Cameron for tickets, who makes a deal with her to give them only if she recreates a painting of Lily's that he accidentally destroyed. It falls apart because Cam misheard his friend and doesn't actually have the connection he thought he did. Later, the family's lies are exposed one by one, Manny gets sent a video of Haley and Mitchell moving her car, Claire scolds Haley for having many unpaid parking tickets, Lily see Haley's finger and realizes that Haley actually recreated her painting, Cam informs her he accidentally destroyed her original painting.
Ethan is a boy Claire invites to go to Disneyland in "Disneyland" with the family because she wants Haley to fall for him and completely get over Dylan, who had moved to Wyoming in "Dude Ranch". Haley, adamant that she wasn't going to babysit him, quickly changes her opinion after meeting him, much to Claire's delight. But then much to Claire's chagrin, Dylan shows up at Disneyland completely unannounced. Claire tries to get Haley not to see or notice him but fails. He rushes off after running into them, and Haley realizes that she still likes Dylan. So she ditches Ethan, leaving Alex with Ethan, another thing that Claire did not like. After seeing Dylan as a 'Dapper Dan', Haley ditches Dylan and begins talking to Ethan again, bumping Alex out the way. After some time, Dylan meets up with Ethan and Haley again in his Little John costume declaring his love for Haley. Ethan and Dylan get into a minor scuffle. At the end of the day, Haley eventually dumps Ethan, Ethan leaves with someone he ran into, and Haley and Dylan get back together. Trivia: Ethan is played by Haley's portrayer's (Sarah Hyland) ex-boyfriend, Matt Prokop.
The TV series Modern Family revolves around the lives of three very different kinds of modern family: a traditional nuclear version, a multicultural stepfamily, and a same-sex family. It has been an extremely long-running and highly successful series, finally ending in April 2020 with the airing of the finale of the eleventh and final season. Currently, box sets of various seasons and season combinations are available on DVD and Blu-ray.
All 22 episodes from the tenth season of the mockumentary-style sitcom following three branches of a sprawling, cheerfully dysfunctional, multi-cultural family in Los Angeles. In this season, the family celebrate the Fourth of July with Jay (Ed O'Neill) as grand marshal of the parade, Dylan (Reid Ewing) returns causing Hayley (Sarah Hyland) to feel conflicted and Phil (Ty Burrell) and Luke (Nolan Gould) take part in a hot dog-eating contest. The episodes are: 'I Love a Parade', 'Kiss and Tell', 'A Sketchy Area', 'Torn Between Two Lovers', 'Good Grief', 'On the Same Page', 'Did the Chicken Cross the Road', 'Kids These Days', 'Putting Down Roots', 'Stuck in a Moment', 'A Moving Day', 'Blasts from the Past', 'Whanex?', 'We Need to Talk About Lily', 'SuperShowerBabyBowl', 'Red Alert', 'The Wild', 'Stand By Your Man', 'Yes-Woman', 'Can't Elope', 'Commencement' and 'A Year of Birthdays'.
Episodes tend to rely on standard family comedy tropes and plot lines, in a modern setting. The show uses the Mockumentary format popularized by The Office, but uses it to offer a poignant and honest portrayal of contemporary family life. It also tackles various aspects of modern-day living, including gay marriage, homophobia, adoption, race and prejudice.
Tropes T-Z Take That!: Phil saying "I always win! Except with Time Warner Cable" in "The Feud" (also a Product Placement; see above). In "White Christmas," Mitch and Cam complain that after a disastrous musical performance the family has constantly joked about it - calling them "Screeches and Herb... Simon and Godawful... Nickelback..."
Talking in Your Dreams: Gloria gets upset because Jay is shouting "Baby" in his sleep, making her think that he's dreaming of another woman, since she doesn't like being called "baby". Jay explains that he was actually dreaming of their baby Joe about to fall from a ledge. He confesses to the camera that he was actually dreaming of their dog Stella.
Tangled Family Tree: Joe is the half-brother to Claire, Mitchell, and Manny, despite being young enough to be the former two's son. He is also the uncle to Alex, Haley, Luke, and Lily, despite being much younger than all of them, and at the ripe old age of six, is the grand-uncle to Hayley and Dylan's twins. Gloria, despite being Claire's stepmother, is actually a year or so her junior.
Teen Pregnancy: In "Regrets Only" Haley lies to her parents about being a waitress at a restaurant, so when they have dinner at her restaurant, she has to fake the job, which she does by getting a table out of view of her family's table and orders whatever the family has ordered. When her server gets suspicious of how much she's ordering, she uses being pregnant as an excuse.
That Came Out Wrong: In one Valentine's Day episode, Phil demonstrates his ability to tie a knot in a cherry stem with his tongue. He unfortunately follows it up by saying "I can tie any kind of knot. It's like I've got a sailor in my mouth".
Phil accidentally insulting himself is one of the show's most consistent Running Gags.
As Cam's grandmother's coffin is being lowered into the ground, Mitch says to Cam, loud enough for everyone to hear, "just drop it!". Yeah...
Themed Tattoos: In "Haley's 21st Birthday", Claire and Haley agree to get tattoos which say "mother" and "daughter" respectively to commemorate Haley turning 21. Unfortunately, while Claire goes through with getting her tattoo, Haley backs out at the last minute. In the epilogue, Phil says that Claire getting a tattoo has inspired him to get one of his own.
Throwing Out the Script: Season 2 finale has an inversion: a sincere speech (Alex's mean-spirited valedictorian speech) gets thrown out in favor of a bunch of lies.
This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!: After the apparent reconciliation of his mother with Gloria.Mitchell: Okay, you see? We're all gonna move past this because of me, who's not a Momma's Boy but is a caring person with wisdom and emotional insights, so make a note, bitches! Again by Mitchell: "Who's the bitch now, bitches?!!"
Time-Passage Beard: Parodied in the episode "The Old Man and the Tree". In the episode, Phil has bought a crosstrainer, planning to use it to walk the distance from the family house to Canada over the course of a year. After a while, he loses interest in it and throws a towel over a camera attached to it. When he removes the towel months later, he's suddenly sporting a huge, grey beard - which turns out to be part of the Halloween costume he's wearing.
Too Much Information: DeDe, talking to Mitchell and Claire, her children: "Anyway, until I'm past this whole wedding debacle, I can't be intimate with [Chaz, the man she's moving in with]. We do things to each other; we use our hands..."
Essentially the entire plot of "Caught in the Act"
Rainer describes to Phil and Claire what he plans to do to their daughter Haley.
Tomboy and Girly Girl: Alex and Haley, however, while Haley's girly girl is definitely the case, Alex's tomboy is mostly only implied, with the aspects of it, such as her being a lacrosse player, only being mentioned and not shown.
Also, lesser example with Gloria and Claire, as Gloria occasionally shows signs of being a closeted tomboy.
Tonight, Someone Dies: Before season ten started, the producers teased that a "significant character" would die. It turned out to be DeDe, Jay's ex-wife and mother to Claire and Mitchell, which was revealed in the Halloween Episode "Good Grief".
Totally Radical: Part of Phil's "cool dad" schtick.
Transparent Closet: Alex's prom date in "Baby on Board."Alex: [to camera] Yeah, my bad-boy prom date is gay. But he doesn't know it yet.
Trivial Tragedy: After he and his family narrowly escape death in a car crash, Phil decides he has to do everything in his power to keep his family safe. He becomes a control freak, micromanaging his family in an attempt to prevent any sort of accident or misfortune. This annoys the rest of his family and puts him under enormous stress. Finally, he drops a carton of milk and ends up literally crying over spilled milk.
Trophy Wife: Gloria is a surprisingly sympathetic example. And while Jay does recognize that she's something of one, far more often than not, it's shown he truly loves her as a person at the end of the day and she him. And if not through his interactions with her, then it's through Jay's relationship with Manny.
Lampshaded in "Arrested", when Jay notes that Gloria's pregnancy has finally led DeDe to see her as not a trophy but a wife.
Truth in Television: Very realistic in their portrayal of real-life events, avoiding the typical sitcom exaggeration. The show isn't afraid to give certain subjects, like prejudice, adoption, anxiety, and growing-up, the nuances and sensitivity that it needs.
Twerp Sweating: Done unintentionally by Phil to Dylan in "Come Fly With Me". Dylan is sitting (uncomfortably) on the couch with Phil, waiting for Haley, watching baseball. Phil makes a comment about one of the players being "stuck at second base forever, and thinking about trying to steal third, which is just a terrible idea" then turns to him and asks how things are going with Haley. Claire, in the background, seems pleased to see Dylan squirm awkwardly.
Twofer Token Minority: More than two. Mitchell and Cameron want to get Lily into an exclusive preschool and figure that they're shoo-ins because she's an adopted Vietnamese girl with two gay dads. They get beaten by an interracial lesbian couple, one of whom is Indian and disabled, with an adopted African baby.
Two-Person Pool Party: In "New Year's Eve", Claire and Phil plan to see in the new year by having sex in a secluded hot spring. Things do not go according to plan.
Two Words: I Can't Count: When Phil is high: Phil:: I have two words for you... Think about time travel. Made funnier by Cam trying to count the words and looking confused.
Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Jay and Gloria; also, Mitchell and Cameron, as DeDe is only all too eager to point out.
The Unfavorite: Played with in regards to Claire, Mitch, and their parents. Claire is the unfavorite to DeDe, and is much closer to Jay, while Mitch is the unfavorite to Jay and is much closer to DeDe.
In "A Tale of Three Cities", Gloria reveals that she was this to her father Fulgencio because he loved her sister Sonia more.
Unresolved Sexual Tension: Haley and Andy big time.
Unto Us a Son and Daughter Are Born: Haley and Dylan's twins Poppy and George.
Uranus Is Showing: Averted in the episode Starry Night, Mitchell got sprayed by a skunk while star gazing with Manny and Jay. Any other eleven-year-old would made fun of him with a reference to Uranus, but what did Manny say?Manny: Hey, Jay, is that Venus? Because I can smell the clouds of pure sulfuric acid from here!
Vacation Episode: To Hawaii.
In "New Year's Eve," the adults in the series go to Palm Springs for the night.
In "Dude Ranch," the family goes to Wyoming.
In "Disneyland", "Las Vegas" and "Australia" the family goes exactly where the episode title suggests.
In "A Tale of Three Cities", the Dunphys go to New York, the Tucker-Pritchetts go Missouri and the Pritchetts go to Mexico.
In "Lake Life" the family goes to Lake Tahoe.
Vignette Episode: The pilot seems to be one of these, until the reveal at the end.
Visual Pun: In an episode where Phil is insecure about getting a vasectomy, he sits down on a bench advertising his realty business in a way in which the sign appears to say "NOT A REAL MAN"
Wacky Marriage Proposal: Cameron and Mitch spend all of "Suddenly Last Summer" trying to propose to each other, only to end the episode by doing so in unison on the fly.
Wardrobe Malfunction: Near the end of "Snip", after Manny has told Gloria she can't deny that she looks pregnant despite her insistence on wearing her usual clothes, her sweater suddenly pops open and her tight pants rip. When we next see her she's wearing a maternity dress. Gloria again becomes the trope victim in "Ten Years Later" when she can no longer fit into her wedding dress. And despite her desperate attempts to lose weight, she ruins Phil's magic trick (although that was ruined already by something else), and a button on her dress becomes a projectile.
Waxing Lyrical: In "See You Next Fall" Haley tells Alex that the best way to give a speech is to use song lyrics, such as the lines "Don't stop believin'" and "Get this party started."
"Well Done, Son" Guy: Phil to Jay.
"Come Fly With Me", has Phil trying to be friends with Jay at Claire's request, as well as be accepted by Jay. Jay responds by eventually flying a toy airplane into Phil's face.
In the Season 3 premiere, "Dude Ranch", Phil finally gets tired of Jay mistreating him and stands up to him. Despite Jay finally seeming to get it, Phil is immediately back to needing Jay's constant approval after the episode.
Mitchell to Jay.
What Did I Do Last Night?: In "Heart Broken", Mitchell has too many cocktails at a "Lonely Hearts" party he and Cam threw for their single friends. He wakes up the next morning to find that he has dyed the cat pink, stolen the neighbour's Christmas decorations and invited Dylan to live with them. It actually turns out that Cam did that last one.
What Happened to the Mouse?: In "The Wow Factor", it is unknown what happened to Claire's high school friend Rachel, whom Jay met at the mall, after Gloria took Joe back.
What the Fu Are You Doing?: Mitchell wielding nunchakus in "Winner Winner Turkey Dinner" results in him knocking himself out.
Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: Pixar and Coachella Marshall, the de facto names of Haley and Dylan's twins, Poppy and George.
Who Will Take The Kids?: Mitchell and Cameron go through this in one episode, working out who will get custody of Lily if anything happens to them and testing out various members of the extended family by leaving Lily with them for a day.
Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Phil and clowns.
Mitchell and mice and birds.
And Manny and butterflies.
Averted with Gloria and rats.
Gloria: First you kill them, then you cut the head off. Okay I go to church now. Wicked Stepmother: Claire occasionally feels this way about Gloria. However, the show overall actually presents an Aversion of this